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HomeMiGO Alphabet City Soup

Alphabet City Soup
Alphabet City Soup (ACS):

How many cities have you visited in Michigan (or in your home state)? This contest can be played anywhere, but the point system is based upon Michigan cities, townships, and villages (collectively referred to as “cities”), of which there are 1773. It does NOT include Census Designated Places (CDPs), so plan wisely. A list of places (Michigan) has been included so you can plan accordingly. You will earn points based upon the number of locations that begin with each letter of the alphabet (X excluded). All players will have the same card.

The contest runs from June 16th, 2024, to July 31st, 2024. Scorecards must be submitted using the
Results Form
 no later than August 5th, 2024 (11:59 PM). NO ENTRY FORM IS REQUIRED.

Stuff You Need to Play:

Scorecard Download and fill out the scorecard with your qualifying caches.

Cities List A list of the 1773 Michigan cities that are eligible for the contest.

Results Form
 Submit your scorecards using this form up until August 5th, 2024.

Map Tools Click this link to help determine which city you are currently located in.

GR - General Contest Rules:

Players are expected to understand and play by the Common Contest Rules as well as the MiGO Code of Fair Play. These are available here:  

Common Contest Rules for MiGO Caching Contests Basic rules that all MiGO caching contests adhere to. Any variation of these rules is included the contest-specific rules.

MiGO Code of Fair Play Expectations for participation in MiGO promotions.

SR - Specific Rules for Alphabet City Soup:
  1. Finds:
    1. Find caches in cities on the official 1773 list. If you are playing from out-of-state, please ensure that your locations fit the spirit of the contest (cities, townships, and villages). You may find an acceptable list by searching in Wikipedia: "List of municipalities in (enter state name)."
    2. Only caches found from June 16th, 2024, to July 31st, 2024, count for this contest.
  2. Hides:
    1. Hide caches in cities on the official 1773 list (or other state-specific lists).
    2. Players are limited to 3 scored hides per card played during the contest period.
    3. Hides must be published no earlier than June 16th, 2024, and no later than July 17th, 2024.
  3. Events:  
    1. Events may be scored as Finds.
    2. Events owned qualify as Hides.
    3. Limit up to 2 events per card played.
  4. Eligible Caches:  
    1. Any cache with a GC code is eligible.
  1. Scoring:
    1. Scoring will be done using the submitted scorecards. Players may play up to 3 cards, but each location can only be used once during the contest. For instance, if you play the square "L = 1" on 3 separate cards, you will need to visit 3 unique cities starting with "L."
    2. The first letter of the city where you found/hid the cache must match the letter on the scorecard square where you list the cache. For instance, for the square "J = 3," you must find/hide a cache in a city beginning with "J."
    3. Each cache can only be used once during the contest. If a cache is located in multiple cities, you must select one of the cities to use for the cache.
  2. Points:     

    1. The scorecard notes how many points are awarded for each square. For instance, the square "R = 2" gives you 2 points if completed.
    2. You do NOT have to fill out all of the squares in a scorecard to earn points. Partially completed scorecards are acceptable.
    3. 3 bonus points will be awarded if you visit certain mystery locations. The locations are set in advance, but will not be revealed until after the contest ends. There are 5 mystery locations per region of Michigan – can you find them?
      • Members of the Challenge Work Group are not eligible to receive bonus points for mystery locations.
  3. Winners
    1. Winners will be determined by a random number generator based upon points earned. The more points you earn, the greater your chances of winning.
  4. Prizes:
    1. The number of prizes given out will be based on the total number of players submitting scorecards:
      • 1-10 players = 1 prize
      • 11-25 players = 2 prizes
      • 26 or more players = 3 prizes
    2. Prizes are determined by member level:
      • Lake Superior members will win a collectable geocoin from the Coin of the Month Club.
      • Lake Huron members can choose between a 1-year extension of their current membership OR $15.00 towards a membership upgrade.
      • Lake St. Clair and Trial members will win $5.00 towards a membership upgrade.
    3. Membership is measured at the close of the contest date. Anyone who upgrades membership during the contest period will be competing at the upgraded level.
    4. If at least 3 players find a mystery location, all players who find a mystery location will be entered into a separate drawing for a prize to be determined by the contest managers.
      • Members of the Challenge Work Group are not eligible to receive the prize for finding mystery locations.
Questions and Answers:

Inquiries If you have a question regarding the contest, click this link to send an email to the contest managers. If your email client doesn't like the link, send your inquiry to with this EXACT subject: ACS:Inquiry.


A question was asked:
How are we to find out what city a cache is in, exactly.
My Geocaching apps maps are showing one thing, but when I do a search with Google maps the address is showing a different city.
For example, I cashed in Zilwaukee. But when I checked Google, it said that the cache was located in Saginaw.

The answer is: Map Use this map. It will run on your phone as a web page. You can use it to see where you actually are or you can use it to see where you've been. You'll need to check the boxes in the lower left corner to show city limits and labels. You can also search the map by coordinates in the upper right hand corner if you want to know where a cache is.

There still seems to be a bit of confusion about this map and its use. So here are some instructions.

That map will run on your phone and will show you where you are as you move. Use the map tool labelled Civil Townships. Turn on the checkbox for Show labels. Turn on the checkbox for City limits. Touch the little button just under POI to turn on the GPS. No need to use 2 different maps.
You can also search on the same map for names and/or coordinates if you want to target a particular cache and need to know which letter it will give you. You can also move the map around and drop a pin for this.


Alphabet City Soup was created by LynnGeoGin, otherwise known as the MiGO Treasurer and Store Manager.

Content on this site is the property of the Michigan Geocaching Organization (MiGO) and may not be duplicated without consent unless specifically stated.