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HomeMembership - Member Levels

Member Levels

Welcome to “MiGO”, the Michigan Geocaching Organization!  We’re so glad you are here, and look forward to you joining our organization of geocachers.  We offer four membership levels.  Choose the option that best meets your needs.

Membership does have its privileges, and you will be joining one of the oldest and most respected geocaching organizations in the world!  Since our inception in April, 2002, we have grown both in size and stature.  In 2007, we were granted an organizational land use permit by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.  This permit is renewed annually by MiGO and enables our members to place caches on permitted DNR lands at no fee.  In 2019, we worked in partnership with the MDNR to bring you the Michigan State Parks Centennial GeoTour, the first of its kind in Michigan!

By becoming a member, you show your support and ownership of the principles behind MiGO, you exercise control by electing Executive Committee members, or perhaps serving on the Committee, or helping our Regional Vice-Presidents around the state.  You help strengthen the organization by identifying with it, supporting it, and as Lake Huron or Lake Superior members, placing our logo’s on your cache pages.  MiGO is a 501(c)(7) organization and is funded by our paying members!

Trial Member:

The Trial Member level is available to anyone who is not currently a member and has not been a member since January 1, 2017.  It is a two-month, free membership that allows you to explore most of the resources of MiGO as if you were a "Lake Huron" member (see below).  The Trial Membership is not renewable.  When your month of exploration expires, you may continue as a "Lake St. Clair" member for free, or demonstrate your support of the organization by becoming a "Lake Huron" or "Lake Superior" member.  Trial Memberships are subject to approval.  

MiGO pays a “per member” fee to our hosting company for support of the website.  MiGO pays for your Trial membership.  MiGO requires non-paying members to accept emails from the organization.  A non-functional or blocked email address will result in termination of a free membership.  MiGO is a 501(c)(7) organization and is funded by our paying members members!

Lake St. Clair Member:

The Lake St. Clair membership level is a free membership.  It is only available as a renewal and must be renewed every three months (see more below).  It is intended for those that simply cannot support the organization financially, but still want to be associated with the us.

Lake St. Clair members have a limited access to the website, including basic challenges, tours and trails, forums, a basic event calendar, the MiGO Store, and other information about the organization.  You may “upgrade” your membership at any time to extend the benefits of your membership. 

MiGO pays a “per member” fee to our hosting company for support of the website.  We require our free members to renew every three months to minimize the cost incurred by the organization for members who can't pay and don't frequent the site.  Also, we require non-paying members to accept emails from the organization.  A non-functional or blocked email address will result in termination of a free membership.  MiGO is a 501(c)(7) organization and funded by our paying members!

Lake Huron Member:


The Lake Huron membership level is currently $10 per year, and is renewed annually.  This fee covers just a  little more than the cost of your membership on our web service.

This membership level does help defray some of the costs of our website and some of the other activities within the organization, but does not contribute “extra” funds to support the many other promotions, challenges, tours, trails, and events of the organization.  This membership type is synonymous with our former Supporting member type.


Lake Huron members not only have access to basic challenges, tours and trails on the website, the MiGO Store, and other information about the organization, but they have access to many “extra” benefits.


Extra benefits for Lake Huron members include access to premium challenges ,MiGO promotional and educational materials, photo albums, the MiGO document directory, filtered calendar access, and access to blogs and forums.  Lake Huron members are eligible to participate in exclusive member promotions and events.  Lake Huron members are eligible to vote, run for and hold office in the organization.

Lake Superior Member:

The Lake Superior member level is the highest level and demonstrates your commitment to the organization.  MiGO is a 501(c)(7) organization and 100% funded by our members!  By becoming a Lake Superior member, your contribution helps to not only defray the cost of bringing you the basics of the MiGO Organization, but also allows for the expansion of the promotional activities we offer our members, such as "Camp MiGO", a weekend of camping and fun in Sleepy Hollow State Park; the “MiGO Winter Social”, a February based event that is the capstone to the MiGO year and,  tours like the  “MSPCGT”, the State-wide GeoTour, put together in conjunction with the MDNR.

Lake Superior membership is currently $30,  and is renewed annually.  Lake Superior members not only have access to various basic and premium challenges, tours and trails on the website, the MiGO Store, other information about the organization, access to MiGO promotional and educational materials, photo albums, the MiGO document directory, filtered calendar access, and access to blogs and forums available to Lake Huron Members, but they have access to many “extra” benefits.

Extra benefits for Lake Superior members include: A 5% discount to the MiGO Store, annual recognition and reward presented at Winter Social, exclusive “Lake Superior” promotions and events, and discounts
to other promotions and events as defined, plus your cacher name will be added to the MiGO “Honor Roll”.  The annual reward will be defined, designed and announced each spring by the Executive Committee.  The initial reward will be an Inaugural Lake Superior Member Trackable Geocoin.

MiGO encourages all of our members to renew at the Lake Superior level.  The more funds we take in, the bigger our budget, the more fun and rewarding things we can provide to our members and the Geocaching community.

Membership does have its privileges.  MiGO will continue to avidly support the sport of geocaching throughout the State of Michigan, now and well into the future.  Decide which membership type and benefits best applies to you and join today!  Welcome to MiGO!

Access and Benefits by Member Level:

Trial Lake 
St. Clair
Lake Superior
 Annual Fee $0 $0 $10 $30
 Available to new members 2 months - yes yes
 Renewal - 3 months annual annual
 Access to interesting links yes yes yes yes
 Links to trails, geo-art, geotour, etc. yes yes yes yes
 Links to non-reward challenges
     (MI County Historical & Century Challenge, etc.)
yes yes yes yes
 Access to All Events calendar yes yes yes yes
 Access to Filtered Events calendar yes - yes yes
 Access to public Member Forums yes yes yes yes
 Access to private Member Forums
     (interest groups, work groups, challenges, etc.)
- - yes yes
 Access to Member Directory
     (no contact information)
- - yes yes
 Access to public Documents in Library - - yes yes
 Eligible to vote - - yes yes
 Eligible to hold office (EC/RVP) - - yes yes
 Eligible for, access to Committees - - yes yes
 Eligible for MiGO Scholarship - yes yes yes
 Eligible for Premium Challenges
(for example, the Challenge of the Month)
yes - yes yes
 Elibigle for 83 County Challenge $ $ yes yes
 Eligible for MiGO Master Challenge - - yes yes
 Bonuses for Premium Challenges
    (for example, the Challenge of the Month)
 - - - yes
 Annual Recognition Reward
     (minimum of 40 Contributing Members)
- - - yes
 5% MiGO Store Discount - - - yes
 5% Discount for MiGO Events - - - yes
 Recognize (by cachername) joining/upgrading: - - yes yes
 Honor roll (by cachername) of: - - - yes
  - - - -
 $ -  Reward available to qualifying members for a small fee to cover cost.  See 83 County Challenge page.


Content on this site is the property of the Michigan Geocaching Organization (MiGO) and may not be duplicated without consent unless specifically stated.